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Support people like Donna.

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Support people like Donna.

Donna’s drinking eventually robbed her of her marriage, the relationship she had with her daughter and son, and ultimately herself. She knew the 28 days she had at Apricity's intense residential treatment facility for women, Casa Clare, was NOT enough time to help her stay sober. As a result, she elected to stay in treatment longer at Casa Clare, and then transition to the Casa Clare transitional treatment apartment program. Years earlier Donna had gone through treatment to help her improve her relationships. This time treatment was all for Donna.

I have learned so much and am continuing to learn, while at Casa Clare and now in the jobs programs at Apricity's Contract Packaging. There is a feeling of safety at Contract Packaging that I so appreciate. I want to stay with Apricity as long as it takes to learn how to be completely independent…I have never lived alone before."

Donna is moving in positive directions on her sobriety journey as she balances recovery, manages work, volunteers and makes time for herself.

“I have found a spirituality that I never had before. There is this absolute, total freedom that I feel now...This huge weight has been lifted...I can breathe deep now, take life in and know what happy is," Donna shared with tears in her eyes.